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For immediate release,
Robbin Zella (203) 332-5052

Bridgeport, CT—As Marshall McLuhan, the media theoretician, argued, the automobile is a medium not unlike the printing press, radio or phonograph. It is “an extension of man” and a means of expression, and therefore can be a medium for art. Westport sculptor, Harry Moritz, explores the framework of contemporary culture from the perspective of the machinery that makes human imperialism possible. With a fascination of the Interstate Highway System and a deep knowledge of mechanics and machines,Moritz is able to infuse a unique perspective about Globalization and the accelerated rate of expansion of first world economies into third world countries. His work explores Globalization while deeply grounding the human body within the context of the work.

Moritz argues that the body and the machine have melded into what he refers to as the Humachine. The body resides in the situation of the Humachanical Complex which he defines as the immersion of machines into everyday life. The highway and machinery are a visual metaphor for the human body and encapsulate the Humachanical experiences of life in the present day. 

Harry Moritz will offer a talk about his work to be held in the Events Center in Beacon Hall on the campus of Housatonic Community College on Wednesday, March 16th at 5:30pm. This event is free and the public is cordially invited to attend
Visit the website, for gallery hours

About the Artist
After graduating from Pratt Institute in May 2015, Harry is now attending Housatonic College in Bridgeport, CT, where he is enrolled in the Advanced Manufacturing Program. Here, he is conducting intensive artistic research to learn Computer Numerical Control which is the basis for the manufacturing industry in the 21st century. Harry's aim is to use this in depth knowledge of Manufacturing to continue creating a highly informed and grounded body of work.